E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Another complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office about the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

9th September 2024

As you are aware, this matter relates to a complaint to the ICO with regard to the UKHSA’s failure to respond to my request for information, made under FOIA, dated 1st July 2024.


You wrote to me on 20th August 2024 to say that you had contacted the UKHSA and asked them to respond to my request within 10 working days. You further stated that if I had not received a response from the UKHSA within this time then I should contact you again.


I confirm that I did receive an email from the UKHSA on 22nd August 2024, which I forwarded to you. 


I do not consider that the UKHSA’s response was adequate.  If it did identify itself as a formal response to my FOIA request, it neither provided the information that I had requested nor identified a reason why they were unwilling to provide it. 


It did not identify a date by when they would provide a response to my FOIA request and only repeated a vague future intention to publish the information requested (“we are working towards publication in the near future”), something they have been saying for well over a year.  In short, it was simply a holding response that only seems to have been written to satisfy your request that they provide me with a response.


In light of this I wrote to the UKHSA again on 23rd August 2024 to say that I did not consider their response to be satisfactory and asking for a substantive response to my FOIA request by 6th September 2024. I confirm that I have received no response to my email.


I am therefore writing to you again to request that you take action against the UKHSA in relation to their continuing failure to respond to my FOIA request and / or treat their failure to respond as a refusal to provide the information requested.


Also attached is an article somebody kindly sent me this morning in relation to a publication about this outbreak published on 05/09/2024. This does not appear to be the official report from the UKHSA, which I believe demonstrates utter contempt for the sufferers in this outbreak by the UKHSA & FSA.


I look forward to hearing from you.

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9th September 2024

As you are aware, this matter relates to a complaint to the ICO with regard to the UKHSA’s failure to respond to my request for information, made under FOIA, dated 1st July 2024. ... on
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21st June 2024

According to an update yesterday the 20th June 2024 from the  UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) ,the number of confirmed ... on
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