E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

The drugs trial for Eculizumab [ECUSTEC} started in July of this year.

29th October 2017

The drugs trial for Eculizumab known as [ECUSTEC} started in July of this year. Six of the twelve participating hospitals are now open to recruitment.

The trial will only include patients who are under the age of 18.

When these young people are considered for the trial their parents will be given sufficient written information etc to ensure they can make an informed choice before they decide if they want to participate. (If the patient is 16 to 18 they will also be given the information themselves).

As a charity, we support the trial and are co-applicants on the basis that, at the present time there is no specific treatment known to help reduce the severity that some sufferers of Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS) can experience. We do not know whether or not it will work but are encouraged that this drug has been shown to be successful when used for a similar condition known as aHUS.

We appreciate that this is a difficult decision for parents to make when their child is ill, but we wish them well in whatever choice they make.

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29th October 2017

The drugs trial for Eculizumab known as [ECUSTEC} started in July of this year. Six of the twelve participating hospitals are now open to recruitment. The trial will only include patients who are under the age of 18. ... on
23rd October 2017

The above petition by HUSH and in conjunction with UNISON has now reached 100,000 signatures. The aim of the petition is to let the Food Standards Agency know about the concerns the public has in relation to meat hygiene. Below are two recent examples of meat hygiene ... on
28th February 2017

Research carried out by the Observer newspaper and the Bureau of investigation published earlier this month, reveals that in 323 abattoirs audited in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), 86 of them failed to meet the key benchmark te... on
4th January 2017

On 14th December, we attended a drop-in session in Parliament, organised by Unison, where more than 20 members of the House of Commons and Lords came to support both Unison and ourselves in keeping meat hygiene inspections independent, in order to protect the public h... on
22nd October 2016

The union Unison have been in touch with us via War on Want, (Both who we have worked with previously) about the Food Standards Agency (FSA) trying to do away with meat hygiene inspections. Through a website called, we have been asked to take over a petitio... on
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