E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

HUSH response to the DEFRA call for evidence on agriculture

26th January 2014

HUSH has responded to the Department of Environment's Farming and Rural Affairs [Defra] call for evidence on Agriculture. This document can be found in the Consultation/Report Documents section on this website, on the left hand side.

This is one of a series of consultations being run by Defra to assess the competence of the European Union to legislate. We previously responded to their Call for Evidence on Animal Health, Welfare and Food Safety on 27th February 2013. This also appears on this website in the Consultation/Report Documents section.

Whilst there is much criticism of the European Union, they have brought in some very good legislation in relation to food safety and the Environment, which has lead to greater protection of the consumer and public.

We believe that without our membership of the European Union, some of this legislation would not have been introduced. We also believe the Governments idea of "better regulation" is no regulation, which is to the detriment of the consumer and the public.

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29th March 2015

The Charity has sent the following letter to the Food Standards Agency in relation to burgers being cooked rare: Mr Steve Wearne Director of Policy ... on
29th March 2015

Our colleagues at aHUS have arranged an international awareness day on 24th September 2015. This is to mark the 60th anniversary of the the term Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome being mentioned in a Swiss publication. ... on
5th October 2014

HUSH has supported an application for a feasibility study of the drug Eculizumab, for HUS sufferers. The drug is currently being successfully used for sufferers of a similar illness called aHUS. ... on
17th May 2014

HUSH has responded to the Food Standards Agency [FSA] Consultation on Raw/Unpasteurised Milk. Our response can be found in Consultations/Documents on our home page. We would like to thank all those non members who voted in favour o... on
26th January 2014

HUSH has responded to the Department of Environment's Farming and Rural Affairs [Defra] call for evidence on Agriculture. This document can be found in the Consultation/Report Documents section on this website, on the left hand side. ... on
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