E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Fecal contamination found in unpasteurised milk samples

2nd February 2012

Following a periodical review of consumer health risks from unpasteurised milk and cream, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) have maintained their recommendation that pasteurisation is an important control measure in reducing the risks from consumption of raw milk.

Microbiological data reviewed showed the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in some raw milk samples and indicators of faecal contamination present at varying levels in most samples analysed.

Whilst full results of the review are yet to be published, it is clear that the need for routine testing to detect pathogens such as E.coli as quickly and easily as possible will remain as important as ever.

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21st February 2012

A provisional total of 253 culture positive cases of E.coli O157 were reported to Health Protection Scotland during 2011, an increase of 41 (19%) compared to 212 in 2010. Although this was a substantial increase, the total for 2010 was unusually low compared to the av... on
21st February 2012

A breakthrough handheld nanotechnology-based bio-sensor can detect a range of threats including Listeria, Salmonella and E.coli in as little as an hour, its developer has claimed. ... on
2nd February 2012

A one-year-old was infected with the E.coli O113 and was hospitalised in Norway two weeks ago. Thankfully it is now recovering. Rareness of this particular strain of E.coli meant the child was not diagnosed for days after becoming ill. ... on
2nd February 2012

A group of French tourists returned home from Turkey last autumn with diarrhoeal illnesses, and two of them developed Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS) - a life-threatening kidney disease usually linked to E.coli. Now French health... on
2nd February 2012

Following a periodical review of consumer health risks from unpasteurised milk and cream, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) have maintained their recommendation that pasteurisation is an important control measure in reducing the risks from consumption of raw milk. ... on
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