E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Contaminated seeds on market for next 3 years

11th July 2011

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) task force report on the recent E.coli outbreak states that the apparent source of the contamination (a shipment of fenugreek seeds from Egypt) has been scattered all across the continent, making recall tricky and new outbreaks likely until the seed packets reach their expiration date in three years.

The shipment of 15,000 kg (33,000 lbs) was containerized at the port of Damietta in Egypt, shipped by boat to Antwerp in Belgium, went by barge to Rotterdam in the Netherlands where it passed customs, and then was trucked to Germany. There, an importer broke up the shipment as follows:

  • 10,500 kg to a single German distributor;
  • 3,550 kg to nine other German companies;
  • 400 kg to a company in England
  • 375 kg to a Spanish company;
  • 250 kg to an Austrian distributor that sold the entire lot to a single Austrian company;

When investigators followed the seeds sales into the companies records, they realized how much more complex the trail was going to get and consider that the only protection may be the seeds own shelf life - which should be up to 5 years from original packaging. As they were first shipped 2 years ago, that means there are 3 years to go (if they were properly labeled).

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19th July 2011

The European Commission today launched a multimedia campaign as part of its 210m compensation package to support beleaguered European fruit and vegetables growers, processors and retailers still reeling from the 'E-Coli Crisis'. Th... on
11th July 2011

Egyptian Agriculture Minister, Ayman Abou Hadid, said that lab tests of the seeds produced by that exporter showed the E. coli strain wasn't present. He declined to elaborate further and officials haven't released the name of the exporter.... on
11th July 2011

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) task force report on the recent E.coli outbreak states that the apparent source of the contamination (a shipment of fenugreek seeds from Egypt) has been scattered all across the continent, making recall tricky and new outbreak... on
8th July 2011

Nigel Jenny, CEO of the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) has criticised the UK government for what it describes as a damaging and misleading response to the deadly European E.coli crisis that has left this country's fresh produce industry in turmoil. ... on
8th July 2011

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Task Force, established to coordinate investigations to track down the possible source of the French and German outbreaks of E. coli O104:H4, has concluded that one lot of fenugreek seeds imported from Egypt and used ... on
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