E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

CMO Letter 8th October 2000

October 2000

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Icon for document 00000053
8th October 2000

We are extremely disappointed with your response to our letter dated 20th June 2000 regarding the E.Coli 0157 bacterium. From your response we remain concerned that you are failing to tackle the problems faced to human health by the E.Coli 0157 bacterium. We consider .... on
Icon for document 00000052
20th June 2000

HUSH response to the Joint Food Safety & Standards Group (JFSSG) answers to the questions which were sent to them on 30th December 1999 and what the charity now require the C.M.O. and his officials to do to prevent further cases of unnecessary suffering from cases.... on
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