E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome


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16th May 2006

There now appears to be 13 cases of E.coli O157 linked to the Careshare Nursery at Lauder College in Dunfermline. Four children are being treated for kidney failure at Glasgow's Yorkhill Hospital, while another ... on
18th April 2006

Since the middle of February there have been 16 recorded cases of E.coli O103 with one fatality.  Norway's Food Safety Authority has been trying to find the source of the outbreak and days after advising Norwegians to throw away ground beef bought this winter, no... on
18th April 2006

Health Protection Scotland (HPS) established population based enhanced surveillance of E.coli O157 in 1999, to identify trends and changes in the epidemiology and outcome of infection on a national scale.  Extracts from the recently published 2004 report can be f... on
14th March 2006

The HUSH AGM will take place at 1.30 pm on Saturday 25th March 2006 at Guy's Thatched Hamlet in Bilsborrow, near Garstang, Preston. This informal get-together gives sufferers, their families and anyone interested in E.coli O157 or ... on
16th November 2005

The Welsh Assembly cross-party committee responsible for setting up an inquiry into the E.coli outbreak has nominated Professor Hugh Pennington from Aberdeen University as Chairman. Professor Pennington is a leading microbiolo... on
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