E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Give aHUSUK your online backing

28th February 2013

aHUSUK, the patient support group (for those whose HUS is not as a result of E.coli infection) would like you to support their latest online petition.  They are calling for Health Ministers to approve funding  for a National Specialised Service  and the use of Eculizumab for aHUS patients without delay.

At the moment the Health Minister wants to delay implementation of the recommendation by asking NICE to complete a duplicate assessment, thus  prolonging the wait for patients whose lives could be saved or transformed by this drug. - (No longer available)

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2nd March 2013

HUSH has recently submitted a response to the Call for Evidence on Animal Health,  Welfare and Food Safety Review of EU Legislation from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [DEFRA]. This call for evidence also involves the Food Standards Ag... on
2nd March 2013

The University of Glasgow has completed a report and study into the Feasibility of Introducing Methods in the UK for Reducing Shedding of E. coli O157 in Cattle. Their report recommended the following: ... on
28th February 2013

aHUSUK, the patient support group (for those whose HUS is not as a result of E.coli infection) would like you to support their latest online petition.  They are calling for Health Ministers to approve funding  for a National Specialised Service  and the... on
22nd February 2013

In the last 11 years we have been able to employ Ishbel MacKinnon as the charity’s part time co-ordinator.  Ishbel has tirelessly served the charity during this time and it is with great sadness that, due to financial pr... on
26th January 2013

OK, so you go to the supermarket and pick up a carton of milk and put it in your trolley right? Ever thought about it past that? Probably not.  Most of us drink pasteurised milk granted. However, have you thought about the dev... on
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