E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Useful Links

We have added a selection of 'Links' to our website that we think may be helpful to you.

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Don't risk lives - Keep meat inspections independent

We strongly urge you to sign this petition to keep the Meat Hygiene Inspectors and inspections independent and send a clear message to the FSA to stop listening to the meat industry and pandering to their cost saving ideas at the expense of public health.


UNISON the unions website about protecting our food.

Leigh Day and Company

A London based firm of Lawyers who are experts in the field of human rights. Sean Humber a partner in the company has helped us on a pro-bono basis in attending Government meetings, Government Consultations and Freedom of Information requests in relation to the bacterium E.coli O157 & HUS

Sustain the Alliance for Better Food & Farming

The top NGO in the UK in relation to their knowledge and expertise of better Food & Farming.


An NGO trying to bring about a fairer society by using the rules (Enforcement) to ensure the safety of citizens and a level playing field for all. 

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